
Welcome to Bracknell Forest U3A

Who Are We?

Bracknell Forest U3A is a group of people who are no longer in full time employment who come together to Learn, Laugh and Live,  to develop new interests, share hobbies and skills and make new friends. Regular activities take place during the day Monday to Friday, so are aimed at the retired and those working part time prior to retirement.

We have over 50 different interest groups including walking, trips out, languages, IT, book groups, music, arts and dance.

Want to know more about U3A?  Take a look at the About Us page, where you will also find a link to the National U3A organisation.

Membership of Bracknell Forest U3A

As a member of Bracknell Forest U3A you pay an annual subscription, giving you access to all our activities including Open Meetings and the various Interest Groups. This also gives you membership of the national Third Age Trust, from which you receive regular mailings. Most Interest Groups have running costs such as room hire, and you thus pay a further small amount each time you attend a group meeting. The membership year now runs from 1st October until 30th September the following year.

If you are already a member of another U3A (and continue in such membership) you can benefit from a slightly reduced subscription, and thus avoid getting duplicate mailings from the Third Age Trust.

For more details of membership options and to join, please select the Membership tab in the menu above.

Note that membership of Bracknell Forest U3A does not confer any automatic rights regarding activities of any other U3As.

Thinking of Joining?

If you are not quite ready to join Bracknell Forest U3A, you will be very welcome to attend one of our Open Meetings (see below) as a Visitor - just turn up and introduce yourself at the door. We normally offer tea/coffee and biscuits after the talk, and on most such occasions you will find a dedicated area where you as a prospective member will be able to talk to some of the Committee and others already involved.

If you are interested in particular subjects please browse the list of Interest Groups. You will normally be able to attend one or two interest group meetings before deciding, but please look at the web page for your chosen group and contact the group coordinator before turning up.


As a member of Bracknell Forest U3A you can access more information on this website by clicking the Members' Area button at the top right corner of the menu area near the top of the page, or by following this link.  You will need to log in using the Username and Password  you were given when you joined or renewed your membership. Note that these login details change for each membership year, so you will need to use current ones.

If you are a member and are having difficulty logging in please contact the membership secretary:


We use both a Facebook Page and a Facebook Group to keep in touch, as below

Public Facebook Page

We use this public Facebook Page to make announcements about what is happening at BFU3A

Anyone can read this page or reply to posts,
but only designated people can create a new post.

Members Facebook Group

This private Facebook Group is where members of BFU3A
can exchange thoughts and ideas.

You need to make a request to join this group,
but any member of the group can then make a new post
or reply to other posts.

Open Meetings

Open meetings are normally held about every six weeks

Bracknell Rugby Club, Lily Hill Drive, Bracknell RG12 2UG

Next Open Meeting

Hybrid Meeting - In the Hall or via Zoom
Thursday 17th April 2025 at 2.00pm
"Tales of a Roving Reporter"
Speaker: Alan Jones

More Open Meetings can be found here

Links to Outside Information

As well as U3A information, you will find here some local information from outside organisations that may be of interest to U3A members and like-minded people. See the "Links" menu item near top right of this page or click here.

This Website

For all matters related to this website please contact: 

BFU3A do not collect or hold any personal data on this website, nor do we use cookies.

You can join or renew your membership via this website, but for those activities you are redirected to the Beacon membership system implemented by the National U3A organisation. Both Beacon and Paypal (as used for payment) have appropriate security measures for handling your personal and financial data.


Formal Policy documents related to the running of Bracknell U3A (including Data Protection) are collected together here

Some Formalities

Bracknell Forest U3A is a Registered Charity, and we are thus able to claim Gift Aid tax recovery on membership subscriptions where applicable.
We are registered under the name "Bracknell Forest University Of The Third Age", our Charity Registration Number being

This website (c) Copyright Bracknell Forest U3A 2001 - 2025.
Copyright of individual articles and photographs belongs to the author/photographer.
Copyright of the U3A logo and the associated colour scheme belongs to the Third Age Trust.