The Committee
is the Bracknell Forest U3A executive body.
It comprises the statutory posts of:-
Admin Secretary
along with up to eight other 'ordinary' committee members.
The Committee must be elected/re-elected at the AGM in May each year.
Normally the Chairman and Vice-Chairman hold office for no more than
three consecutive
Delegated Duties
The Committee delegates specific duties to numerous other members.
These duties include:
Web Editor
Publicity officer
Events Secretary
Groups Support Officer
Membership Secretary
New Members Secretary
Speakers’ Secretary
Minutes Secretary
Beacon Administrator [Beacon
is the nationally provided U3A membership/finance system]
Newsletter Editor(s)
Newsletter Copying & Mailing Team
Welcome Team for Open Meetings
Volunteer Team (including refreshments at Open Meetings)
For several of these duties, it is either necessary or desirable that
they be undertaken by Committee Members.
Interest Groups
The main activity of Bracknell Forest U3A takes place within the
Groups. Each Interest Group has a Coordinator who has overall
responsibility for that Group, but is not necessarily the person that
leads individual sessions. Like Bracknell Forest U3A itself,
each Group must meet
its own expenses - usually through a small contribution each time a
member attends.