MOTO 1 (members on their own)

This is one of three groups for Members On Their Own.
Please see also the MOTO2 and MOTO3 groups

We are a very active group and the aim is to arrange a variety of events that members would like to attend with like minded people rather than go alone.

There are monthly meetings held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at Bracknell Rugby Club at 10.30.

The aim of the meeting is to discuss future events, and have a social chat over coffee.

We have visits to the London theatre, and many other places of interest.

Some future outings planned over the next few months are -
    Fulham Palace
    Borde Hill
    Chichester Flower Festival

    London Theatre to see Moulin Rouge

We have an annual BBQ (usually August) and a Christmas lunch.

We also have regular Sunday lunches, held at a local pub.

Currently we have over 90 members, all of whom have found something of interest within the activities.

A Risk Assessment checklist for the indoor meetings of this Group is here

Risk Assessments for this group are also produced as appropriate to each outing/event
and are available on request from the group coordinator or Groups Support Officer

Before attending a meeting of this Group for the first time please contact the coordinator as below.

For more information please email:- 


Recent Activities

We enjoyed a great Sunday lunch for 19 members at The Bird in Hand, Sandhurst; a new (Sunday) venue for the members.

13 members enjoyed a fascinating trip to Whitchurch Silk Mill. Whitchurch is the oldest working silk mill in the UK, and is still weaving silk on its 19th century machinery. They are currently weaving silk for the

28 members from MOTO1 and MOTO3 enjoyed a theatre trip to London to see Mamma Mia. What
a great show for that feel good factor