Membership Options

Membership Options and Definitions

On this page we define terms used in the membership system for the various membership options.

We send Newsletters by email whenever possible, but if you do not have an email address we send out printed versions by post at no extra cost to you. If you have email but want the printed version to be sent to you, then sorry we have to ask you to pay extra.

The Standard membership options are for individual or joint membership, and whether - as above - you want to pay extra to have newsletters and other mailings sent by post rather than by email

Standard Membership of Bracknell U3A
Annual Fee
Individual:- One person. £11.00
IndividualNews:- One person with Newsletter by Post. £21.00
Joint:- Two members at the same address. £22.00
JointNews:- Two members at the same address with  Newsletter by Post. £32.00

If you are already a member of another U3A (and continue in that membership) then you can benefit from a slightly reduced subscription, with the same further options as above
In the Membership system we refer to this as "Associate Membership" but in all other respects there is no distinction between Standard Members and Associate Members.

Associate Membership of Bracknell U3A
Annual Fee
IndividualAssoc:- Member of another U3A. £7.00
IndivAssocNews:- Member of another U3A with Newsletter by Post. £17.00
Joint Associate:- Two members of another U3A at the same address. £14.00
JointAssocNews:- Two members of another U3A at the same address with Newsletter by Post. £24.00

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